SIPTU to refer FAI dispute to Labour Court

SIPTU has said that it will be referring a dispute involving its members employed by the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) to the Labour Court.

SIPTU has accused FAI management of refusing to engage in collective bargaining with the union.

Members said the association has failed to respond to requests by the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) about re-engaging with the union on a number of outstanding issues affecting FAI workers.

“The FAI has negotiated collectively with referees, the Professional Footballers Association of Ireland and the women of the senior national team, so what the staff are simply asking for is equal treatment,” said FAI Football Development Officer and SIPTU Shop Steward, Paul Keogh.

“What we have proposed in terms of pay rises reflects the financial situation of the association of which we are very conscious,” Mr Keogh said.

SIPTU Services Divisional Organiser, Teresa Hannick accused management of not listening to workers.

“We have been left with no option but to refer the issue to the Labour Court,” Ms Hannick said.

“The union will be meeting with our shop stewards and others in the coming days in preparation for a campaign that will seek to ensure the FAI engages in fair play both on and off the pitch,” she added.

When contacted for a response, the FAI said it would not be commenting on the matter at this time.

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