Ukraine not ready to compromise with Russia – Yermak

Ukraine is not ready to compromise with Russia and give up any territory to end the war, a senior Ukrainian official said when asked about US presidential candidate Donald Trump’s declaration that he could quickly end the conflict.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, told reporters during a visit to the United States that Ukraine would listen to any advice on how to achieve a “just peace” in the war. Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

“But we (are) not ready to go to the compromise for the very important things and values … independence, freedom, democracy, territorial integrity, sovereignty,” he said.

Mr Yermak’s visit came ahead of next week’s NATO summit in the US capital, where Ukraine is expected to be the main topic of discussion.

Mr Trump, the Republican nominee challenging President Joe Biden, said during a debate between the pair last week that if he is re-elected in November, he would quickly solve the war in Ukraine before taking office in January.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Andriy Yermak and US security advisor Jake Sullivan during a plenary session at the Summit on peace in Ukraine

He has not offered details of how he would do that, but Reuters reported last week that two key advisers to Mr Trump had presented him with a plan that would involve threatening to cut US assistance if Ukraine did not enter negotiations with Russia.

Mr Trump said during the debate, however, that he does not accept Russian President Vladimir Putin’s terms. Mr Putin has said Russia would end the war if Ukraine agreed to hand over the four regions in the east and south of the country claimed by Russia.

Asked how Ukraine assesses that Mr Trump would handle the war, Mr Yermak said: “Honest answer: I don’t know. Let’s see.”

Ukraine would lobby a new US administration to continue providing it support, he said, adding that Ukraine had received bipartisan support in the US and polling showed most Americans still support Ukraine after two years of war.

“It will be a decision of the American people. We will respect this choice,” Mr Yermak said of the 5 November presidential election.

The United States has provided Ukraine with more than $50 billion (€46 billion) worth of military aid since 2022. Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Tuesday the US will soon announce more than $2.3 billion in new security assistance for Ukraine.

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