Stefanie Preissner: I am no longer enough to fill my husband’s cup. Middle age has swept in and now he’s obsessed by his new love: The Lawn

“What happens when the grass becomes more than just a symbol of suburban conformity? What if it’s the stage for a clandestine affair?” Photo: Getty

Ah, the suburbs — the land of hedging between houses, SUVs, and meticulously manicured lawns. It’s where dreams of adventure go to die, replaced by sensible shoes, hefty mortgages and weekend barbecues. But what happens when the grass becomes more than just a symbol of suburban conformity? What if it’s the stage for a clandestine affair?

It began innocently enough. His eyes would linger, tracing the contours of our lawn as if deciphering a cryptic message. I’d catch glimpses of his phone screen, glowing softly in the darkened bedroom, while he lay next to me. His online purchases, his search history — the evenings he spent all those hours out, while I was inside watching TV alone. I’ve come to accept that my husband has a new love in his life. Myself and the kids are no longer enough to fill his cup. We’ve had to make room for The Lawn.

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