Crackdown on road deaths: Gardaí to test for drugs at crash sites from Friday

In the past, gardaí could use their discretion whether or not to test for drugs. However, this will now be mandatory for drivers who are involved in serious collisions.

Previously, similar rules were put in place for mandatory alcohol testing in serious car accidents.

Last year 188 people died on Irish roads, the highest yearly figure since 2014, while so far this year over 79 people have lost their lives. Senior Government figures fear this year’s record will exceed last year’s.

The new laws, which will kick in from Friday, also set default speed limits on all roads apart from motorways. All local authorities in the country were tasked with carrying out speed limit reviews.

Under the new laws, speed limits will be lowered to 80kmh on national secondary roads, 60kmh on local and rural roads, and 30kmh in town centres and housing estates.

Gardaí will be armed with 10,000 ‘Drugwipe’ drug testing kits this year, which ensure they are sufficiently resourced to carry out all the testing.

Minister of State Jack Chambers, who is bringing in the new laws, said the Government is doing “all it can” to reverse increasing road deaths.

“Driving under the influence is one of the four main causes of road fatalities and it is simply unacceptable,” he said.

“Government is committed to doing all it can to reverse the really alarming trends we have seen in recent times, where fatalities have been rising year-on-year. One life lost is one too many on our roads.”

Drug testing will take 30 minutes on the roadside – with the 30-minute period starting after the driver has been tested.

While most drivers will not have to wait the full half an hour, the time allotted takes into consideration “unfortunate or unpredictable events” which can happen, such as faulty tests, or another motorist in need of urgent assistance.

The 30-minute period allows for the results of the drug test to develop, which usually takes eight minutes, and for an additional test to be conducted, if needed.

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