Plans for 101 homes near historic house in Cork City blocked by An Bord Pleanála

The proposed development of 101 homes in Lotabeg, Cork City, has been blocked by An Bord Pleanála.

Rebel Abú Limited had been denied permission by Cork City Council for the development, which would be located on a 3.8ha site in Tivoli, east of Cork City.

The site in question is inaccessible from public roads and is currently in agricultural use. It is also on a steep slope, with a drop of 15m, running from its peak at Tivoli Ridge to Lotabeg House, a protected structure on its south.

City planners blocked the development, noting the site in question was in a landscape protection zone and was an “area of high landscape value”.

The developer appealed this ruling, noting its proximity to high-frequency public transport systems, and noting the various uses for the land listed in its zoning were a general guide, not an exhaustive list.

However, An Bord Pleanála has upheld the local planning decision and blocked the development.

In its decision, it cited the zoning on the land and that it would be contrary to some aspects of the local area development plan.

Bantry homes blocked

Elsewhere, a separate planned development of 54 new homes on land in Bantry has also been blocked.

Aiden McCarthy was granted permission by Cork County Council for the development at Dromleigh South and Sheskin in the West Cork town.

But this was appealed by several third parties, who raised concerns about the traffic impact, noting the “narrow and badly surfaced” road that accesses the site in question.

An Bord Pleanála has overturned the council’s decision and blocked the scheme.

It noted the potential for traffic hazards as a result of the development, and also raised concerns about the “poor overall site layout” that would result in poor quality open space.

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