‘Resilient and determined’ five-year-old stabbed in Parnell Square on road to recovery, according to mum

The mother of a five-year-old girl who was left fighting for her life after a stabbing that sparked unprecedented riots across Dublin city centre has said she never wanted people to respond with violence because “hate only generates more hate”.

In her first interview since the attack at Parnell Square last November, the child’s mother said her precious daughter was in the “wrong place at the wrong time”.

The little girl remains in Temple Street Hospital but her family is clinging to the progress she has made since being on the brink of death.

“We don’t want any hate over this,” her mother told the Irish Examiner

“Hate only generates more hate. We don’t have any time for that negativity. 

“Our daughter is our priority. She is very resilient and has shown us how determined and strong she is, we have to match her determination.” 

Her daughter is now communicating with her family and medical team by “using her eyes”.

“I know when she does or doesn’t want something, she sometimes rolls her eyes. Even the doctors can see that.

“The future is unknown, but it’s only been a few months. So for now, our daughter is where she needs to be. 

“We are with her, and we want everyone to know we are very grateful for all their support.

We have to keep going for her because she wants to keep going, and she is telling us that very clearly.

“My husband and I help each other. When he is down, I help him, and he then helps me.

“She is not the same child even though she is our child, so we are learning to live a new way of life and we know she is in there. 

“We just have to wait for her to be ready to come out.”

The mother described how her little girl has started to move her arms.

“She is enjoying her Irish lessons with the hospital school. And loves watching Paddington 1 and 2 for laughs,” she said.

The girl was born in the Rotunda Hospital and her parents are from South America and Eastern Europe.

“She loves Ireland. This is her home,” said her mother.

Public support

The family wants people to know how grateful they are for their unwavering support, saying: “Thank you for all the love sent our way.”

Three children and a creche worker were injured in the random incident on Parnell Square in Dublin on November 23.

Two other children, a boy aged 5 and a girl aged 6, were treated for less serious injuries and returned home shortly afterwards.

Creche worker Leanne Flynn was discharged from hospital earlier this year.

Riots broke out across the city that night with shops looted and a Luas set on fire.

The five-year-old girl was undergoing emergency surgery in Temple Street Hospital while the city was under attack and the family heard the noise on the streets from inside the hospital.

“My husband said, ‘don’t go out there.’ I asked him what is it like, and he replied, ‘a warzone’.”

A 50-year-old man, Riad Bouchaker, appeared in Dublin District Court in November, charged with the attempted murder of three children and the assault of creche worker Ms Flynn during the Parnell Square incident.

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