Visitors to Cork University Hospital issued with warning over potential contact with measles

A measles alert has been issued to people who were in certain areas of the emergency department or Puffin Ward in Cork University Hospital on two days last week.

Contact tracing teams are trying to get in touch with contacts of anyone known to have been there at specific times on Sunday or Monday and warn them to watch out for measles symptoms.

The alert, issued by the Department of Public Health HSE South West, is for these specific times and places only:

• CUH’s main emergency department waiting area or registration on Sunday (May 12) between 1.10pm and 3.30pm 

• The Children’s Emergency Department on Sunday between 1.30pm and 11.20pm and/or:

• The Puffin Ward between 9.20pm on Sunday and 3pm on Monday (May 13) 

The HSE advised people potentially exposed and who are also pregnant or immunocompromised or guardian of an infant under 12 months old to “immediately contact” them on 1800 700 700.

Dr Margaret O’Sullivan, consultant in Public Health Medicine, said they wish to reassure people public health measures are being followed.

“Contact tracing means that we will be in direct touch with close contacts. Anyone who is concerned about symptoms should contact their GP,” she advised.

“We would also like to remind anyone who has missed or is not up to date with their MMR vaccinations, that there is now a free catch-up MMR vaccination option available from GPs.” 

The HSE advised looking out for symptoms for 21 days from possible contact which would be up to June 2 or 3.

“We are reassured by the fact that many of the close contacts have received two doses of the MMR vaccines. Adults born in Ireland before 1978 (45 years and over) are also considered to be immune,” it said.

Symptoms which appear before the distinctive red rash include runny nose, sneezing, cough, sore red eyes or a temperature of 38C or above.

Other early symptoms include small grey-white spots in the mouth, loss of appetite, tiredness, irritability and a general lack of energy.

People with suspected measles are advised to phone their GP or hospital before attending so precautions can be taken against this extremely contagious disease.

There have now been 27 confirmed cases of measles in Ireland this year with a further 17 cases under investigation.

Many are linked to five outbreaks in homes with between two and four confirmed cases in each, the Health Protection Surveillance Centre said.

The 27 people are aged between one and 54, with most infections in the 25 to 34 age group followed by children aged between one and two as well as children aged 10 to 14.

  • Further information on measles: HSE Live Freephone 1800 700 700.

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