Cork man charged with raping 16-year-old girl 10 times released on bail

The man who was arrested at Cork Airport on Sunday and charged with raping a 16-year-old girl 10 times and producing child pornography was released on bail on Tuesday.

Judge Mary Dorgan remanded the accused on bail of his own bond of €50,000 — of which €40,000 was confirmed to have been lodged on Tuesday.

Another bail term was an independent surety of €40,000 — of which €20,000 was lodged by accused man’s mother.

On confirmation of those arrangements being in place and the surrender of his passport, Judge Mary Dorgan remanded him on bail until July 16 for service of the book of evidence.

He must also sign on three days a week at his local Garda station, have no contact — direct or indirect — with the complainant.

Detective Garda Alan Maxwell charged the man, who was 29 at the time of the alleged offences and is now almost 33 years old.

He was charged with 10 counts of rape, two counts of sexual assault, two assault causing harm charges, four charges of production of child pornography and one of possession of child pornography.

Det Garda Maxwell objected to bail, saying the relationship between the defendant and the complainant went on from Christmas 2019 to July/August 2020. 

“It is alleged it was a relationship based heavily around sex and that the sexual activity occurred when the injured party was heavily inebriated or unconscious during intercourse — there is substantial evidence in relation to this,” the detective said.

Mr Buttimer said: “I will be objecting to this kind of speculation — you have a complaint from the complainant and a response from the respondent.” 

He added the actual complaint came from a person other than the complainant. “I accept the charges are serious. It speaks for itself,” the solicitor said.

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