I can’t seem to meet a decent man – all my relationships have failed

DEAR DEIDRE: I CAN’T seem to meet a decent man who I fancy. I’ve dated at least 25, but all these relationships have failed for one reason or another.

Why can’t I pick a good one and make it last? I’m a 42-year-old single woman.

I have had my heart broken so many times that I feel like giving up on love.

Whenever a new relationship goes wrong, I am distraught. I feel as though my life is stagnating. Nothing changes.

I have a lot going for me, a lovely home, a good job and wonderful friends – but most of them have families.

There’s nobody to come home to or to go on holiday with. My life consists of going to work and little else.

Get in touch with Deidre

Every problem gets a personal reply, usually within 24 hours weekdays.

I’ve tried online dating but I really need to know someone to like them.

I even wonder if I am subconsciously stopping myself from meeting someone because I fear it going wrong again.


DEIDRE SAYS:  Please don’t despair, you’re doing nothing wrong.

You’ve just had bad luck. There are good guys out there, you just haven’t met one yet.

Dear Deidre: Cheating and can you get over it

Have a break from dating and regroup, but don’t give up on it. Focus on making friends rather than meeting a partner. Take the pressure off.

The more friends you make, the better the chances one of them will turn out to be right for you.

Take part in activities where you’ll meet people with similar interests.
My support pack, Finding The Right Partner For You, will help you.

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