Katie Price trolled for her new lips after insisting she’s gone natural

IT seems there’s not a day that goes by when Katie Price isn’t taken to task about her appearance.

Now trolls have chosen to target her new triple pumped up lips, after the model and media personality underwent the mouth enhancing procedure last month.


A more natural looking Katie appears in a social media video to promote a new collagen drinkCredit: Instagram
The model says the drink has made a big difference to the quality of her skin, hair and nails


The model says the drink has made a big difference to the quality of her skin, hair and nailsCredit: Instagram

No longer wearing hair extensions or fake nails, Price insists, she’s “the most natural I’ve ever been,” as she took to social media to promote a new collagen drink, but trolls couldn’t resist commenting on her over-inflated lips.

One wrote: What happened to your lips.”

Another said: “Poor Kate, she used to be so beautiful now just looks so masculine, so sad.”

Meanwhile another commented: “Is it just me or has she gone for the Daniela Westbrook look with that top lip.”

But Katie who posted the video to extol the skin and hair benefits of the collagen drink, Rejuv8 beauty, has said that she’s finally embracing a more natural look.

Speaking about the daily drink she says: “I’ve got no makeup on, look at my skin, its glowing. I haven’t got any hair extensions in because my hair has got so healthy and thick from taking this supplement.”

Earlier this week The 45-year-old took a trip to the aesthetics clinic to have her lips plumped up.

The clinician, Lift Aesthetics, then shared an array gruesome images of the procedure, captioned 3D lips, on social media.

With Pricey’s seal of approval, no doubt business is booming.

Katie's clinician shared photographs of the gory procedure on social media


Katie’s clinician shared photographs of the gory procedure on social mediaCredit: Instagram
Katie seems to enjoy the effect of bee stung lips and no doubt many of her fans will follow suit


Katie seems to enjoy the effect of bee stung lips and no doubt many of her fans will follow suitCredit: Instagram

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