Fine Gael


European Elections 2024: Michael McNamara, Kathleen Funchion and Cynthia Ní Mhurchú elected as MEPs in Ireland South as Mick Wallace loses seat

Billy Kelleher re-elected in Ireland South as Grace O’Sullivan is eliminated in race for fifth seatAll four Dublin seats filled

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European Elections 2024: Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan first MEP elected in Midlands-North West as Lisa Chambers eliminated

European Parliament counts continue in Ireland South and Midlands-North WestBilly Kelleher re-elected in Ireland South as Grace O’Sullivan is eliminated

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European Elections 2024: ‘No secret Sinn Féin didn’t have a good election’ – Chris MacManus loses MEP seat with party’s hopes still pinned on Gildernew

European Parliament counts continue in Ireland South and Midlands-North West as just five Irish seats are filled so farDramatic change

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European Elections 2024: Close race between Carberry and Walsh in Midlands Northwest as Billy Kelleher tops polls in South

Green Party object to comments they are ‘autocratic’ at leaders meetingAll four Dublin seats now filled for the European Elections

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